Monday, December 8, 2008

My man

What an adventure this birth has been (Allison here reporting in). I will be able to put more thoughts down when we get home I am sure - the crazy (again) delivery, the knot in the cord (if you haven't seen that I'll try to post a pic - the ob had never seen it - Wyatt was truly protected by our LORD), the NICU, my emotions, how to let Jason and I deal with this differently, watching the other babies in the NICU and being so thankful for Wyatt's health...etc etc.

But what you all truly want now is the latest update. We got to feed Wyatt at 9am, he had another successful feeding so that makes 5 in a row. He needs 8 to go home. Now that said, b/c he is under his tanning bed he will not go home today. We spoke w/ the doc and he said he isn't worried about our guy at all. They are removing the NG tube (the feeding tube that is coming out of his nose) today at noon. He is off IV fluids, none of the blood cultures have grown and he is feeding well. The only thing to deal w/ currently is the Jaundis...his levels were 15.6 (we think we remember Caroline's being higher), but they would rather deal w/ that here than us take him home and deal w/ him on the bed at home. So they've got him tanning, and hopefully his numbers will go down, they'll take him off the lights and make sure he doesn't rebound back up too high.

As for bp is still a little to high so they have started bp meds (I did this w/ Caroline too)...not sure if they will release me today or not...I believe they will, but we haven't spoken to any docs yet. My blood sugars continue to go low...which is normal b/c I was so hyped up on insulin during pregnancy that now we just have to monitor and take my dosages we're figuring that out too...and for all you men out there that are dying to milk is coming in! Woo hoo!

Here comes Caroine and Grammy so I need to scoot! More later!


The Gerborgs said...

wow, that's a lot to deal with, but you sound great. and your perspective is right on. emma spent 2 weeks in nicu and did the phototherapy lights part of that time too. and, isabella went home on a phototherapy bed for a few days. so much, so many emotions, but you are all so loved and cared for. and, it's cool to share this time through your updates with you. praying for you all. :)

ers said...

i just can not get over the knot in the cord. GOD is really good. i almost find myself wishing i was high risk, so they would montior me as close as you have been monitored, but i know that is a terrible thought. God bless you for all you have been through and continue to go through.
we had so much fun being a part of seeing you all yesterday. trully a highlight. now, go home!