Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So Thanksgiving was great with family from both sides! My mom and dad came in town for the weekend and it was filled with its usual easiness. I don't say that lightly as I know there are lots of folks that hanging with your parents isn't is with mine and we are both so thankful. Jason and my dad rewired one of the cable lines so we didn't have a cord across the floor anymore with our new and I decorated for Christmas...we made baby food, they sent us out on a date and in true dad fashion he slipped Jake some money on the way out the door. We are thankful. In equal fashion we are thankful for Jason's family. We had a terrific time over at his Aunt and Uncle's house. Kids crawling around and darn good food! We are thankful for family.

I am thankful for a husband who loves me and truly "gets" me. I am thankful for a daughter who trusts me, and warms my heart with her smiles, her giggles, and how she reaches out for us now. I am thankful that I know that with out a Saviour I am nothing. I am thankful that with uncertainty I know my Saviour is certain. I am thankful.

Enjoy the pics...gotta love the one with a red mouth...she has just tried raspberries for the first time!

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