Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

9 Month Update

How is it our girl turned 9 months on Monday? We flew home yesterday from KC for a few days back here to then fly back to KC for Christmas on Sunday the 23rd! Caroline did GREAT on the plane. She is even teething again (3rd one has cut through and the 4th is just about too...they are on top). I guess I need to take her home to this is when the first two came in. This time however, there weren't any other cement poop, no fever, no fussiness...totally different from the first ones.
So we treked to Dr. Cox's office (we love him) and get ready for the heavyweights stats...he he he...

Weight: 17 lbs 15 oz. (30%) (a gain of almost 3 lbs since last apt @ 6 months)

Height: 27.5 in (50%, she's grown 1.25 in since last apt.)

Gotta love our happy healthy little lady! She is crawling like crazy, pulling up consistently, will walk w/ you if you hold her hands, delights in the dogs, her own reflection and much more.

I set up her 1 year apt today when I left the doc is that already here? What a great 9 months. She has been here now as long as we were prego...woo hoo!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kansas Snow

Caroline and I are here in KC to sing on my mom's last concert. She is retiring after this school year. The day after we arrived we woke to snow!! This is our first outing in the brought her great delight, as it did her mom! Enjoy our little snow bunny!

Monday, December 10, 2007

December in Attanta

We have been having record highs here this week...

This is hard!

We are in a new season with Caroline where opinions have seemed to come into play. She wants to be held most of the time, or actually just someone near by that she can touch. What this does mean is that last week she fell asleep on my chest for almost 2 hours (this hasn't happened since she was an infant), and she has begun to give on her own hugs and kisses...this is much to the delight of her mom and dad!
Meal time has become not so much fun again...crazy how when she was a new born feeding times were so difficult, and there would be spit up and the consistent question of "Is she getting enough?" still seems to ring in my ears. My daughter doesn't seem to want to eat that much right again I find myself asking "Is she getting enough?"...and again still 8 almost 9 months later I find myself asking the Lord to take care of her, help her eat as much as she needs, not as much as her mom thinks she needs. O that I were able to self regulate my intake of food like she does. Stopping when full, not snacking in between meals....
But all that said, even though hard, even though I still wonder am I doing anything constructive, is she learning what she needs to, is she developing, am I training her to be a human, as well as be one that loves our Lord? I look at her joyful spirit and know that MOST of the time she is a delight, she is joyful, and she is well loved...the rest is up to our Lord.
So I leave you with these pics and this word from the Lord that is on her wall that serves as my constant reminder of what is important...
"Teach me your way and I will walk in your truth. Give me an undivided heart that I might fear your name." Psalm 86:11