Friday, February 26, 2010

Wyatt's Walking

Well...he took 3 steps today. This has been a week of major development for him. It seems like to me anyway. We came back from a week in Kansas and he seems like such a big boy. I feel like that always happened with Caroline too...after she had been with her cousins for a significant amount of time she came back more confident verbally and with motor skills. So WC came back and has been able to climb on the couch and chairs by himself and get which he is very proud of himself. Today he took 3 steps...and verbally oh my is the run down of words (oh yeah he is only 14 months)
sign language: more, please, all done, fish, butterfly, elephant, bye bye
spoken: momma, daddy, ball, cracker, ah do (all done), no, shh (shoes) sss (socks), car, he has two stuffed animal blanket things he sleep with and he quacks for the duck and says ruff fuff for the dog

It is just so much fun to watch him grow and develop! I love watching he and Caroline play, become friends, kiss on each other!
We are in a really fun season of life. I love what I get to do every day.

Okay, enough blabbing from the proud momma!

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