Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So 5 years ago tonight Jason asked me to marry him! Wow! I am so thankful. I love our story honey. I love how you protected my heart. I love how we waited to say "I love you" until you put that ring on my finger. I love how God surprised you and I with this ring. I love the conversation you had w/ my dad that I knew nothing about. I love you. I still choose you. I would still say YES!

Another fun thing- my daughter walked up to me while we were outside planting some hosta bushes and she said, "God lives in my heart mom." Wow! I teared up immediately. She has been requesting that we read a book that my mom gave her called "How Big is God" by Lisa Tawn Bergren - its a great book - but I truly think she gets it. I know there are some of you out there who think you've got to have that "moment" in Sunday school, or church where you "pray the prayer"...but I don't have one of those. I honestly can't remember a time when God, Jesus, Christ wasn't a part of my daily conversation w/ others or w/ him. I pray that is so for Caroline and Wyatt also. I know she believes that God lives in her heart, and I pray that she never goes a day w/o talking about him and to him!

1 comment:

Heather said...

i'll never forget our conversation that december at our Christmas party.

love y'all.