Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby Isaac & Baby Susie

Okay so meet Caroline's babies that have finally gotten names Baby Susie (in honor of Susannah Burns that babysits the kids and is a DEAR DEAR friend), and Baby Isaac (in honor of my brother's 4th just born in Feb)...these two go most places w/ Caroline these days. Nice shades too I might add! It has been a favorite of late to hear her wailing "Sweet Caroline...bum bum bum..." in the monitor!

Wyatt is doing really well. I am struggling still w/ some of his feedings later in the day trying to figure out if he is getting enough...ahhh again I wish for the see through boob!

This next Wed (6th) we leave (me, and 2 kiddos) in the car for our first road trip to Kansas. Since Caroline is no longer free I decided that I would try it in the car w/ them. We'll drive to Nashville and stay w/ my buddies Chris and Brea (who Wyatt is named after) and my mom will actually fly into Nashville and drive the next day w/ me the rest of the way to KC. We'll be there until the 15th and then do it all again! I'm looking forward to the experience and feel like everyone should do this w/ their kids! It's a rite of passage isn't it?

That said I am sure I will have lots of stories from Kansas in the next post!

1 comment:

The Gerborgs said...

hope the road trip went well. i've done the drive to pennsylvania with the girls quite a few times. it definitely allows for lots of interesting and fun stories. can't wait to hear yours!