Saturday, July 4, 2009

At a loss!

My dear sweet Wyatt. I don't know how to help you!
Wyatt has been projectile vomiting for the past #16 days 1-2-3x a day. Usually at meal time about 1/2 way through...he'll throw up it all...then eat the rest and usually keep it down. It doesn't seem to matter if he's had his bottle yet, what kind of veggies/fruit he is eating, if he burps or not, if he's sitting up straight or reclined...the only thing that separates is he has never thrown up after breakfast. Breakfast is the only meal I am still nursing that the difference-my breast milk? I don't think I have any to go back to nursing at lunch and dinner...I barely have any in the morning any more...I've switched to different formulas...we've gone w/o formula for a day...I've taken him to the doctor - they aren't worried b/c he was still gaining weight...and he is so stinkin' happy...right before and right after he is usually he was puking in the car on the way home tonight he looked at me and smiled...what is that?
I do not know how to help him or make it stop. We have purchased the "PB" (puke bucket) to have with us at all times to catch the puke...seriously?!!! I am sad, perplexed, nervous to go out...wanting to cancel our vacation and my working at Camp Kid Jam b/c I don't know how you deal w/ this much puke on the road...ahhhhhh!
Heal him Lord! Give me creativity to know how to help him...fill me back up w/ milk if that's what he needs!

You love him more than I do. Like we pray every night when we lay our kids down..."Lord, meet his needs when I can't."


Heather said...

oh no!!!!! worse than just reflux right?

i am so sorry allison. i have no advice for you ... but hopefully it is just a small little stage that will soon pass like all the rest.

prayers for the sweet boy today.

Mack said...

Allison - I know you don't know me except through Jason but Mack (our oldest) had this exact same thing so my heart is hurting and understanding for you and I am praying right now. I hate it when people try to solve problems for me when they don't really know so I hesitate to say this but we did SOY formula with Mack - although it was not a 100% fix it did cut down tremendously. Don't know if that is a help - and you may have totally already tried that....Praying!!!!