Monday, June 22, 2009

What we've been up to lately!

Soooo sorry it's been a while since the last post! I guess that is all good news! We are good...full swing into summer, the pool, watering flowers, potty training, watching Wyatt sit up...and spit up! HE HE!
One of the fun quotes of Caroline during the last 10 days since we began potty trainging:
Me: Caroline are you going to go pee pee on the potty.
CDH: Yeah. Someday.

I laughed out loud! She really is doing well with it. No accidents yesterday except in the pull up at church and during her nap...but that is to be expected I think. She loves a bit of chocolate w/ her successes! Don't we all!
Wyatt is just getting so big. The last few days have been weird w/ some projectile vomiting - yuck - but...he is happy as a clam after...maybe the slightest of a temp like 99.2 or something...but nothing crazy weird. So I am watching him today. He has kept down breakfast so far...and sleeping like a champ right now.

I love going to the pool with them. I was worried about how I would do it with two...but they are awesome. I hold WCH in the left arm and the right arm is available for the jumping craziness of Caroline! She said to me the other day. Summertime is fun mom! I love it!

Here are some pics for what our days have looked like recently.

Oh yeah...I went blond for about 6 weeks as a surprise to Jason! I am back brunette now! What we do for our men! :)


carrie said...

now i see the blonde:)

Alex moner said...

He has kept down breakfast so far...and sleeping like a champ right now.pool plastering nj