Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

What an amazing thing today's my mom's day...Carolyn Unruh's day...not is a bit sureal to hear people telling me "happy mother's day" as I walked through the halls at church. An honor really that the Lord would entrust Caroline to our care, that He would request of me to be her mom...humbling to be sure.
As I just got off the phone (for the 3rd time today I think) with my mom back in KC, she gave some very encouraging words found in the scripture above. I was freaking yet again about milk supply and will Caroline have enough...and mom began speaking those words over me..."do not be anxious...."Somehow she always knows what to say when. Mom's are good that way.
It has been a great week with Caroline...accidentally sleeping 7.5 hrs one night because I forgot to turn my alarm hey now we know she can go that we did again last night and her diaper had literally exploded when I got her up this morning...we have also switched to the 4 hour schedule during the is a little hard but she is doing great with it. We go back to the pediatrician this week for her 2 month check up...I can't believe it.
Personally, I am learning a ton about myself. Marriage is a constant learning experience anyway, but now w/ a child it is even more of a denying of self, learning to ask him questions differently, ask for help let him figure his way to do things for Caroline out on his own...I now know why during pregnancy I grieved over the change a child would bring to our marriage. I miss Jason. But, then again I turn and look at Caroline, see her smile...and know that things have changed. It is possible to be wife and mother. Today we celebrate the mother part...but I must remember that Jason is the first priority, not her...that is hard.


Carissa said... your blog! caroline is darling!!! got your adorable baby announcement in the mail today. too cute! so happy for ya'll! much love...carissa

Lindsay said...

Hey Allison. Praise the Lord for Miss Caroline! We got the announcement in the mail just the other day. She's precious. We just had a baby girl 2 weeks ago, Charlotte Ruth! It's been great to read your blog and see how you're enjoying motherhood. It's a blessed journey! Keep in touch!

The Gerborgs said...

i enjoy catching up on what's going on in the hodges world, and your insights are awesome reminders of why i enjoy being a mommy too!