Thursday, May 3, 2007

"Growing up is hard to do"

Please insert music with above title: "Growin' up is hard to do"...well, harder for Caroline or harder for her mom. This week was a first for several things in our lives. We began teaching Caroline to sleep in her can see she looks so little in the pics. She is taking some of her naps there or in the pack-n-play ... we are trying to move her out of the moses bed so in a couple of weeks she'll maybe sleep in her room at night. Holy cow! That will probably be harder for me than her. This week I also began doing some contract work. So, we began to learn how to take naps in the car seat, walk around Target and Ikea in the Baby Bjorn, nurse in the backseat, and in general be more on the go...
Top all of that off w/ a great trip to the pediatrician for yet another weight check and praise the Lord she is now 8lbs. 14.5 oz...she has gained 14 oz in 14 days...thanks Lord for providing for her needs, even when I can't see that you are. (Maybe the Lord could've given us see through boobs to be able to tell when they were "empty" ...but alas He didn't...yet another reason to trust in Him!)
All of that to say, it has been a wonderful and hard week for me. I can't believe she is already 6.5 weeks old, they have flown. I began contract work knowing that that is what I must do...even though it has been tiring and difficult mentally to balance. But then I look at her in our quiet moments when we nurse,and I am driven to realize yet again, that as a mom, I would do whatever is necessary for my child's well-being. Even when that means letting her cry because in the end it is teaching her good sleeping and eating habits...or it is taking her w/ me to do this work on the go, because it teaches her flexibility...or even learning to say no to certain opportunities because it will be important to teach her how to say no so she doesn't become over commited...
So many things to teach this little one...I agree w/ her "growin' up is hard to do"! I am forever blessed w/ the opportunity to be her mom!

1 comment:

Darcy Dickerson said...

Oh my goodness, Caroline is so adorable in her "big bed." Thanks for sharing the pics!!