Sunday, May 20, 2007

2 months old vs. 9 weeks old girl is now 9 weeks old...or 2 months know this whole calendar thing is a bit difficult to navigate. I felt much the same way when I was I 12 weeks, 3 months, or at the end of the 1st trimester....ahhhh counting AH AH AH (think the count from Sesame Street)....well here is the scoop on little Miss Caroline.
Last week we attempted the 4 hour feeding schedule and that didn't quite work we are doing a 3.5 hour feeding schedule and we are good there for about another week and I'll try the 4 hour again. This week, many things happened:
1st-we gave in to the passy...not all the time, but is a good soother I am realizing and no it doesn't make me a bad mother (he he he)
2nd - she went to her Uncle Justin's college graduation yesterday and was a champ...she did great
3rd - she got her 2 month check up at the Dr....drum roll please... 9 lb. 10 oz (so 2 lb and 1 oz increase since birth) and she is 231/4 inches long (the girl grew 3 inches since birth)...she is long and lean. Then she got her first round of shots and she did way better than her mom...she turned that interesting shade of purple again, cried and then was easily soothed...I on the other hand i'm sure turned an interesting shade of white and cried not easily soothed...he he he...She's run a bit of a fever this weekend but mostly is doing really well.

Have I mentioned that I love being a mom. She is cooing and smiling a ton. When I sing to her I notice that she loves to watch my mouth move, and has begun to coo along w/ me as I sing...I am sure she is singing w/ me...I am realizing as i type this that she hasn't been introduced to Barbara yet (Streisand for all of you wondering) that will need to happen soon.

so there is the newest update...I love this new is the most difficult one to date. Thanks Lord!

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