Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fairy Dust

Just some fun pics from the last couple of weeks of our girl in her little fairy accessories that a friend made, and her at the piano loving the music!

Just to inform, little Wyatt is doing great! We've had some extensive sonograms at the specialist (totally normal to do this for me) and they've all come back normal! Thank you Lord! I am 24 weeks now - that is amazing and actually I feel GREAT!

Caroline is quite the little girl. She is finally saying "mommy" when she sees me as opposed to when she would only say my name when she was sad or hurt! It melts my heart! Here are some other words she is saying - we need to get them on camera so you can hear her sweet voice say the words!

Daddy, Mommy, Doggie, Baby, Bus, Apple, Bible, Jesus, Shoes, Cheese, Ball, Book, Read, Help, Car, Cow, Peas, Mimi, Pops, Papa, Water (WaWee), Eye, Ears, hi, bye-bye, tree, house, yes, no, rain, elbow, hors d'oeuvres (I know hilarious)
there may be more but that's what I can remember now: she signs: more, please, all done, thank you, book ,help, butterfly, airplane

I love being her mom!

1 comment:

Carissa said...

she is a DOLL allison! and congrats on your upcoming arrival! so fun! good to see you on the blog lines my long lost friend! : ) carissa