Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Generous Spirit

About a month ago I began talking to Caroline about donating her hair to locks of love. I told her that there are some kids that are sick and don't have hair. Would she like to give them hers...she paused and said "Yeah let's do it after naps." I laughed and said well, you've got a wedding that you're in in a couple weeks, lets wait until after the wedding. So, about 2 days after the wedding she said, "Mom the wedding is over, we have to cut my hair." I love it.
I wasn't sure how she would react...when they cut would she cry and beg for them to put it back on (would I cry and beg for them to put it back on)...neither happened...our little lady behaved again with such grace...I love it! I told Jason that I feel very responsible for raising her to know that truly "your beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"...she won't always have gorgeous hair, so I don't want her to associate her worth with is a look at her new look...