Friday, June 1, 2007

11 Weeks

Wow tomorrow she will be 11 weeks old! How is that possible? Okay, time has passed that's how...Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. I was waiting until we returned from Kansas to post something. Lot's happend: Caroline traveled on the plane amazingly well, slept in a separate room while there for the first time, met cousins, and her aunt, and great-grandparents, had a "sip-n-see" shower, etc that we are back in ATL she is sleeping in her crib at night for 10hour stretches.
Hearing her cry is still such a difficult thing. Often times there is nothing I can do other than let her cry it out...perhaps it is a reminder that it is difficult for the Lord to hear our cries as well...often knowing that sometimes we actually NEED to just cry it out.
I am learning about giving her independance even now. I was telling Jason the other night when she slept in her room for the first time, that I have been "letting go" since the day she was born. The day she was born I had to let go a little bit, b/c now she wasn't actually in me...then it was letting go to not actually have her in her moses bed in whatever room I was in, but letting her sleep in another room, then there was the night we let her cry upstairs for the firstime while we were downstairs, then the day she took a nap in her crib...and now she sleeps in another room....then she will go to school, she will date, and one day leave us. So, it is good to do this letting go in small increments...letting her grow, letting her cry, but always reassuring her that we love her, and even when it is a hard day and she is sad, we will be there by her side, sometimes holding and rocking, sometimes patting on the back, and other times when she is inconsolable we just pray over her, and let her "cry it out".

I love being a mom!

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