Friday, March 16, 2007

big News from Northside

Allison has been sleeping for the last 2 hours so i have had to be a little quiet watching the b-ball games. For those of you who care, the Tarheels have advanced to the next round. Ok here is the big thing, the protien was 750ml/gram...So we are going to induce, so they will start the process within the hour. they will put in a cervidil which thins the cervix for about 10 hours which will takes us to the morning...from there they will take us to a labor/delivery room some time in the middle of the night. we should go into active delivery in the morning but sometimes the cervidil puts you in active labor sooner. they will not start delivering the patosin until the cervidil has taken affect. so some time Friday or Jason's prediction early sat morning we will see Caroline Dale Hodges. So far all you later nighters I will be blogging as we move and things progress. when news breakouts, jason will break in. FYI, after we go into active labor you might see a posting till baby. or someone else will need to blog for me.



The Gerborgs said...

We're praying for you all. Looking forward to meeting Caroline. :) Tom, Amy, Emma, & Little G!

Ben said...

It looks like you are in for a long night. Looks like you are taking a similar path that Tara did except Tara's water broke first. Best advice I was given by the nurse was watch the monitor and when the contractions start on the monitor Allison will not feel them until about 3 to 5 seconds later. Tell her they are about to start and take a deep breath. That will help you and Allison through the process. Tara & I will pray for y'all. Later Daddeo