Thursday, March 15, 2007

Caroline's arrival

thursday 2:23pm

hey everybody
this is what we know as of 2:23pm. Allison Bp is fluctuating from the 140-160/ 90. Caroline is doing great. We met with DR. Taylor at noon. She informed us we will be here at least till Friday morning. She is going to go over her charts and there is a possibilty we could induce today. Baby and mom are fine. Dad is watching NCAA tourney hoping his bracket doesn't bust. The tarheels tip at 10pm and Kansas play tomorrow. We have invited Dave and Carolyn to come over from Kansas because we have inferred from out conversation with the doctor that Caroline will be here some time this week. So continue to pray for us and Caroline that the time will go by soon because being in a hospital when you are healthy is a frustrating thing.