Thursday, March 29, 2007

Grammy's Week of service

Since the birth of our little sweet one. Carolyn, whom Caroline is named after, (Not the Tar Heels!!) has been with us. She leaves us in the morning to go back to Kansas. She has done a tremendous job of serving. The best part is she has allowed us to be parents. I have learned so much from her this week!! Here is a list of things that she has done while at the OTB...moving plants in the yard, making our bed every morning, driving allison to dr. appointments, cooked meals breakfast lunch and dinner, trimming plants, watering the yard, laying out pine straw, washing close, making deserts, changing diapers, taking out the trash, cleaning the house, etc...I am sure I left a few things out!!!! Serving is such a huge thing!! As a husband, I am called to serve my wife. I know that when I serve Allison it allows here to take care of Caroline. It also let our relationship grow. Imagine if spouse's spent more time serving each other then worring about there own needs. What would happen? just a thought...anyway here are pictures for those of you that just care about looking at Caroline...Update, she is out of the belli bed!!!! Nursing and sleeping through the night!!! So far so good, i love going home to see my girls!


1 comment:

Hannah said...

She is such beautiful little girl!!! Congradulations and give Allison a big hug from me!!!