Sunday, April 8, 2007

First trip to church

So do you say happy holy week?...I don't think so...however this weekend provided yet another perspective of our miracle here. We decided to take Caroline up to Church on Good Friday (another interesting phrase) for church as the crowds would be less, and schedule a bit easier to navigate. As the service was about to begin Jason (a great daddy by the way) said "Why don't you go in and worship and I'll take Caroline." This was great! I stood at the back of the auditorium, the music began, and my hand instictively went to my tummy...oh wait...she's not there anymore to worship with. For the last 10 months or so when we have been in a worship situation, one hand has gone to my tummy, and the other has gone in the air...she and I have worshiped intimately with one another. Yet, Friday night a realization hit me...Caroline is her own person & soul. She is separate from me...she will, on her own, have to make a decision as to whether or not she follows Christ and worships. So, what I see this weekend, on the holiest of weekends, is that our daughter is not "ours"...she is the Lords. It is our responsibility to raise her in a fashion that honors him, and brings him glory...oh that our perspective would always be to point her to Him.

Happy Easter. He is risen!

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