Sunday, April 1, 2007

A mom's perspective

Well hello all of you fans out there of the Hodges blog. I thought it only fitting that I weigh in...seeing as Jake has been our voice through this whole process. It would be funny to go back through the whole labor and delivery process and tell you my perspective...but alas that would take a while. The thing that I thought I'd share a bit of my perspective and how it began to change during labor.
Actually it all probably changed when we found out we were prego...however, during labor I think I began to get a glimmer, that I have come to understand more over the last 14 days...a mom's perspective and that she'll do anything for her child. I have begun now to understand why my mom looks at my brother and I the way she does, I now understand why Kansas feels so far away for my parents...because honestly the next room feels far away from Caroline. I am understanding how pain is worth the reward. Labor was painful, however, sweet Caroline was on the other end (no pun intended)...pain during nursing (sorry boys to be honest here) is worth it because it means she is getting the best possible nutrition I can provide. We thank Jesus every time we nurse for providing the food to make her big and strong.
A mom's perspective just a few days in will of course continue to develop...I guess I am trying to say that I think I am understanding more mom, how and why you love Darren and I the way you do!
I love my perspective...I see her expressions, I hear her cries, I see her smiles from where I perspective is incredible. Thanks Lord.


Introducing Alia said...

Hey!!!! Your baby is a beauty! Wow... we love you and look forward to catching up when we get back in the states.

Collin, Marlo, & Alia

Anonymous said...

Allison, you make me proud! Though I'm not a mom and I SO hope to have this same blessing someday, there's part of me that longs for that type of perspective. Some of it is to finally have a way of supernaturally connecting to my own mom, just as you have. But, mostly I've just always wanted to have the best and most rewarding job ever -- a MOM!

Caroline has two of the most wonderful beings on Earth as parents!

I can't wait to meet this little celebrity in person! She is gorgeous!

Happy for the Hodges!


Anonymous said...

Katey, Casey, and Ginger here... She's adorable! Can't wait to get our hands on her! Miss you guys!