Friday, March 16, 2007

The process has started


Allison has been given magneszium(???) and fluids to relax the muscles in her back to prevent seizures this is a standard procedured for those with high blood pressure. Her BP has now gone back to normal. I don't know how women deliveredit back in the day. There so many gadgets in this room. we are still on pace for a 3pm inducing with petosin. We are having more contractions and Allison is getting tired. So pray she will get some rest please. Caroline has been called a "happy baby" by the nurses. So all is well. We are considered "in labor"! Pray for Allison parents who are left Kansas an hour ago to come see there grand baby.

The Hodge


Darcy Dickerson said...

Go Carolina.
COME Caroline!!!

Allison I am praying for you!

Much love to all 5 of you! (Zoe and Zeke need a little love too.)


triplethreat said...

Keep up the good work, Al - and coach Jason! And you too, little Caroline! Home stretch!!!

See you all soon - and we love you!!!