Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

Is a healthy boy. Well friends we find ourselves in another health situation. Since Monday I have watched Wyatt work a little harder to breathe and it just didn't seem "normal". I was watching for a fever and decreased appetite as well but those things never showed up until this morning. Wyatt only nursed like 4 min at the 6 am feeding, and was laboring pretty hard to breathe. So we loaded him up and went to the doc (we love our pediatrician by the way). They looked him over, saw that his pulse/ox was low, hooked him up to some oxygen and a nebulizer treatment and told us that they suspected it was RSV. They concluded that it was and told us that they had called the ambulance to come and get us and take us to Scottish Rite Children's Hospital. That is when I started to cry. I just didn't think we would journey in a siren blaring, traffic dodging ambulance. We arrived at noon and began to get some of the best treatment ever. They began w/ respiratory therapy, and the docs saw us right away. Wyatt had to get a catheter to check his urine for any kind of infection, they drew blood and put in an iv line, and then had to do a lumbar puncture to check his spinal fluid for any kind of infection. So far everything looks normal besides the RSV. We are now in our room (321) on Christmas eve trying to remember that there really is more to Christmas than what everyone in the world tells us.
Caroline is at home w/ my parents - totally unaware that tomorrow is Christmas. So we will celebrate when we get out on the hotel Childrens. They are saying that will probably be about 3 days.
We will update as we know more. Right now Jason and I are mentally and emotionally exhausted. Pray that the sleep I get in between feedings will feel like double the sleep as I am fighting a pretty good cold myself...but alas I am the milk supply!
I am thankful tonight for a husband who didn't hem or haw at my "intuition" this morning and was right alongside me when I said we needed to go to the doc. Thankful for a husband who helps me blow my nose while I am nursing...thankful for a daughter who is flexible and is rolling w/ the punches. Thankful for really smart doctors, Firemen, EMS, ER docs and nurses, and our accute care docs and nurses.
Thankful for a savior who came as a tiny baby remind us all that he came for us...not pretentious...just him...for us...thanks Lord! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.


Anonymous said...

Love you guys and are praying for a quick recovery..

Anonymous said...

What Wendy said. Praying hard for Wyatt and you both. Jeff