Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Mercies


Dad called this morning and said he thinks mom should stay until Sunday! A new Mercy

Wyatt's diaper rash looks better...not quite as purple more just red! A new mercy

Doc has taken Wyatt off of the nebulizer treatments b/c he isn't wheezing and his lungs sound pretty good. He says that while the treatments help open the airways they can sometimes actually mess w/ the blood flow which would affect the O2 levels. A new mercy

Wyatt is sleeping on a 1/2 liter and maintaining a 98% O2 level. A new mercy

New Mercies are an amazing thing!


Anonymous said...

Hey Al!
I hadn't checked your blog for a while with the holidays, so I am just now reading all about your adventures with Wyatt. I am sorry that times have been tough, but I will adjust my prayers to cover your current struggles. Glad your mom can stay for a bit longer and I will pray that 2009 rings in very blessed for the Hodges family!
Love, Tanya

Anonymous said...

Things sound like they're headed in the right direction... praying for more improvement!! Love you and are still praying!!!
All the Hendersons
PS - Wyatt's birth made Jesse's top great memories for 2008 (even though she has yet to meet him). :-)

Anonymous said...

great news all around! happy new year:)

Anonymous said...

Come on big man, shake this stuff and get back home. I'm sure Caroline is ready to show you how to put frogs in your mouth!

thepettys said...

So glad that things are looking up a little bit. We are praying for you guys and I think of you each time I feed Marin. Please let us know if you need anything we can help with...

The Gerborgs said...

praises!!! so glad that your mom can stay longer. that is wonderful, and so awesome to hear a good report for wyatt. praying hard for you all. hugs from us

K Hill said...

Praise for your mercies. We continue to pray for you guys. So glad your mom can stay a little longer. Love from the Hills.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to check in, since I hadn't read anything on the blog lately... I hope Wyatt is feeling better!