Monday, December 8, 2008

ooops I did it again

With Brittany Spears come back happening i thought that an appropriate title...

I am NOT, I repeat NOT going home. So, I emotionally gear up to walk out the door and they walk in and say hey they want us to get your vitals one more time. They take my bp and it is through the roof. So they have me lay down, take my meds, check it 45 min later and it is lower, but still high. Soooo they call the famous Dr. Lewis and he says to stay. So they I start crying b/c this means that it is another day without seeing Caroline...Oh my gosh I am a wreck. What is this lesson of learning that my children are not mine to hold on to...they are not mine to clutch in my hand oh so very tight. There will be times when I will have to choose one over the other. There will be times when I have to choose me or Jason over them - times when I need to choose my Lord over them...oh Father...really do I have to learn these lessons in the middle of the night in the midst of post partum emotions?

So...Northside HIlton we are here for 24 more hours. A blessing to be by my boy...

Here's an oldie but a goodie:

Refiners fire. My hearts one desire. Is to be holy, set apart for you Lord. I choose to be holy ready to do your will.

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