Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas The Day After

Hey Everyone-

We are still hanging out at The Children's Network of Atlanta. Wyatt is doing better. The doctor told us this is a 2 steps forward 1 step back process. He is still on 1 liter of oxygen but his lungs are clear. So, we are waiting on his little bracial(sp?) sacs to kick in so we can load and celebrate Christmas in Cumming! This could be in 1 day or 5 days. It is just time. Yesterday, Santa and his elves(a church group from Calhun)came to visit. John Smoltz was here as well but he saw the older kids. They brought toys for Wyatt and Caroline!!! It brought me to tears because people gave up part of their Christmas to visit kids who are not home for Christmas. I have NEVER done that and it made me realize how selfish I can be. Thanks for all the prayers, calls and text. We are trying to get some good rest this afternoon since last night the stupid alarm on the monitor went off every 2 minutes. It is a haunting feeling as a father to know that I am not in control and that our Heavenly Father is. Another thought that came to me over the last few days as well. That God loves Wyatt more than I do!!! Ponder that for a while. Anyway, this is a Merry Christmas for the Hodges based on the fact that this has caused us to slow down and think. There are a ton of people giving up their Christmas to keep our son healthy.



Anonymous said...

I am glad he is doing a little bit better. I wanted to check the blog and see how things were progressing!
That is a precious picture with Santa. He looks so peaceful and precious. Cammie, Kirk and Alana

Anonymous said...

Jake, we're staying up to date via the blog. We'll keep praying for a speedy recovery. Pass along our best wishes to Allison & Caroline. THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY SONG ON CHRISTMAS DAY! WE LAUGHED A LOT REPLAYING THAT SONG!! ha-ha We'll see you real soon.

Elloa said...

hey y'all...been praying for and thinking about you guys throughout this ordeal. showed wyatt's pics to my parents and had them pray over him, too. please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do/bring!

-elloa and mike-